The gymnastic exercises you are about to learn will help you to get more flexibility, strengthen your body and avoid injuries.

1. HANDSTAND WALKS :  Handstand walks is a special gymnastic technique that can help anyone to tone his or her body and increase overall agility, core strength, increased shoulder stability and better balance. The exercise requires consistent practice to notice slow progress.

Put your hands on the floor a couple of inches from a wall. Spread your fingers as wide as possible. Put one leg up at a time to get into a typical handstand position. When you are in the position, make sure to hold unto it for as long as you comfortably can. When you hold unto the position for at least three seconds, you can then try to do it without a wall. You must have a wide space in front of you in case you need to roll forward.

It a very good idea to have someone spotting you while you find your balance in the handstand. At last, you will assume a position where you can hold a handstand for a period of time by changing hand positions. When once you get to this stage, it will then be all about putting one hand in front of the other.

2. HOLLOW BODY HOLD : This is the foundation of any gymnastic workout regime. Make sure you put it in your routes as much as possible. Hollow body hold is among the most crucial techniques employed by gymnasts. It includes bracing your abdominal muscles and creating a complete body tension. The more balance you are on this position, the better you will be transporting force from your upper to lower body.

When once you master this exercise, you will be able to run, jump, kick, flip and tumble faster and stronger. This exercise can make one to be less prone to injuries.

Have in mind that this exercise is the foundation of any workout regime. One should make sure to introduce it in his or her routines as quickly as possible. 

Begin by lying on your back with legs together and arms over your head. Contract your AB muscles and lift your legs, head and shoulders a few inches off the floor. Your body should be in a CRESCENT SHAPE from head to toe. At first it maybe hard to hold this position for more than a few seconds.

Before moving on, you should be able to be in this position comfortably for at least 25 seconds. Once you can hold the position begin to start rocking back and forth while in the position. Do slow and small movements and gradually increase the speed and intensity of your movement. The important thing here is to keep your body as tight as possible by squeezing the targeted muscles, this will assume the most out of your workout. This simple exercise will do wonders for your core and help you when attempting more difficult techniques in the future.


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