How to treat stretch marks

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                                           WHAT ARE STRETCH MARKS?

They are those markings on the skin that resemble stripes, bands or lines. The medical terms for stretch marks are STRIAE and STRIAE ATROPHICA.
     Stretch marks can be embarrassing if one wears shorts or bathing suit. They are a common concern, most especially for women. Though they can appear anywhere on the body, the most common locations are breasts, thighs, hips, abdomens and buttocks. They occur in both males and females.
                                           CAUSES OF STRETCH MARKS

The most common cause of stretch marks is a rapid weight gain. It usually occurs during pregnancy - when the skin stretches to accommodate a growing belly. Stretch marks may disappear on their own after weight loss or childbirth. But if they don't go away, these are treatments you can consider. Note that there are no proven treatment for stretch marks and the best form of treatment is prevent. See how to prevent stretch marks HERE These treatments varies from person to person. If a particular treatment does not work for you, try another.
                                        WAYS TO TREAT STRETCH MARKS

Use cream spiked with retinol: There are no FDA approved prescription creams for stretch marks, using retinol based creams, will help to stimulate collagen production to generate new, slightly thicker skin overtime.
     This is because retinol is a compound found in vitamin A, which produce collagen needed to repair stretch marks. Retinol works well if the stretch marks occur newly. Note that excess vitamin A may not be safe to use during pregnancy. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using retinol based creams.
                                         HOW TO APPLY RETINOL CREAM TO REMOVE STRETCH MARKS 

Apply small amount on areas of stretch marks. Apply once a day in the first week.Apply once a day in the second week. Apply twice a day, morning and night after a warm shower - from week three. Do not stop until you see results.

Massage with black tea: Black tea is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants - which helps in decreasing cell damages and control skin pigmentation.

                                         HOW TO MASSAGE WITH BLACK TEA

Prepare two table spoons of black tea powder and one teaspoon of salt Dissolve the black tea powder in warm water, add salt and boil for about three minutes. Allow it to cool for forty minutes and apply it on the affected parts of the skin three times a day.

Apply lemon juice:      another simple way of getting rid of stretch marks fast is to apply lemon juice. Lemon juice is acidic in nature which is why it is good in treatment of stretch marks, pimples and other skin diseases.
The acidic properties of lemon juice helps to make stretch marks less visible and then speeds up the healing process.
     In order to use lemon juice as a home remedy for stretch marks, apply lemon juice onto the affected areas of the skin in a circular motion.

                                       HOW TO APPLY LEMON JUICE TO REMOVE STRETCH MARKS

Squeeze out the juice from a lemon.
Apply lemon juice on stretch marks for five minutes. Allow up to fifteen to twenty minutes to get absorbed in to the skin. The next step is to wash it off with warm water.

Apply coconut oil: The oil from coconut will increase blood to the skin, produces collagen fibers which is important for treating stretch marks.
                                     HOW TO USE COCONUT OIL TO REMOVE STRETCH MARKS

Use grader to extract the coconut flesh and shred in a blender. And hot water before pouring it in to a bowl. Put the bowl in a refrigerator overnight. The coconut milk and oil will separate by doing this. Take the curd from the bowl which is the solidified coconut oil. Put the oil in a frypan and heat for about one hour with continuous stirring. Allow it to cool off for around twenty minutes before using coffee filter to extract the oil. Use this oil on the stretch marks twice a day until there is result. Remember these treatments varies from person to person and from age to age. So be free to try another method if a particular method did not work.


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