"In Eight Months' Time" Weekly - 8

"Great!" Andy Todd exclaimed.
"Listen to yourself, you've said it yourself! 'The person with the timeliest information owns the wealth'. This is precisely what I bring - the timeliest information".
Jimmy Robert cleared his squeaky throat.
"You don't seem to understand me", Jimmy Robert said.
This is a continuation from Week 7
"You seek to use a fiendish means to get what you want - the total different you've been talking about".
Andy Todd frowned his face.
"While I'll distant myself from it, but let me remind you that we take your father's businesses to the very summit by passion, hard work and by unstudied means", Jimmy Robert said.
Andy Todd closed his eyes and opened after a while.
"My father spent most of his working life trying to catch up with his competitors by what you've just mentioned", Andy Todd said.
"He never sees their backs. I put you in the same league with my father. What failed to realize was what his competitors had under. They never depended on that your so called 'unstudied means' alone. Those at the very top know what I mean. They know what others don't know....that's why they are there. They are every where; in businesses, politics, all walks of life. They have their way of getting what they want.
"Now, I have my own unique way too! This is what I offer - the opportunity to make something huge out of your sorry ass life. Take it and live like god, forsake it and be consumed by it", Andy Todd said letting all amount of seriousness shows on his face.
Jimmy Robert turned his head around, his eyes lost into the distance. Then he asked:
"You know what karma means?"
Andy Todd softened his face.
"You can call it what you like. Fate. Destiny...we usually get what we deserve in the end. So, don't force or push me into taking upon myself what I don't know where it will end me", Mr. Robert said.
Andy Todd (thinking ) then said:
"Let us take this upon ourselves and make the most out of it. And let us not be afraid of what we can't see because most times it could be an illusion - work of the brain. Let us also not be afraid of death because it is inevitable, we all die one day no matter who we are or what we represent", Andy Todd said.
For moments, they stood still, no one was talking.
"All I ask you is make all wrongs right with Sarah. Marry Sarah so that we can apply this trick that Elm himself taught me", Andy Todd said - breaking the little moments of silence.
Jimmy Robert stared at the ground, deep in thought.
"Huh! Hmmm. Our meeting at the subway, was it by chance?" Jimmy Robert asked.
Andy Todd smiled. "Naw, it was well programmed", he replied.
Jimmy Robert stared into the sky.
"Hell, no!" he said.
"Heaven, yes!" Andy Todd said softly to himself.
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