Signs That Your Body Does Not Tolerate Alcohol

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  These signs is to let you know if alcohol is your best friend or not. Seeing one or two of these signs when you take alcohol does not necessarily mean you should swear off alcohol. But it means you should cut down what you are guzzling down every weekend.

1.   Stomach cramp or Diarrhea and vomiting
Know that nausea and vomiting are just signs your body is not so friendly with alcohol. Letting out a watery stool every time you drink alcohol, means alcohol makes you absorb food allergens more easily into your stomach. Seeing a doctor or an allergist for help is a good idea.

2.   Headache or Dizziness or you experience vertigo
We are not talking about hangover here! If you get migraine - intense pounding in the head after drinking, this is just one of the first symptoms that your body does not tolerate alcohol. It might be a histamine intolerance. Headache can be caused by many sources but having headache after drinking is just a sign alcohol is not your best friend.

3.    Your Heart Rate Goes Up
This is an indication that your body is reacting to histamine. Some alcoholic drinks have low levels of histamines - which are not enough to affect the rate of heart beat. If you your enzyme breaks down histamines in your small intestine pretty much slowly, you might still end up having a higher heart rate even if the level of histamines in the drink is low.

4.     Itchy Eyes
The reason for this can be linked to a tree nut which are common in distillates and alcoholic extracts, whiskey and bourbon. There are two ingredients in alcohol that are known to produce histamines - bacteria and yeast. Histamines make ones blood vessels swell, nose run and itchy eye balls. Red wines are most especially known for this.

5.    Congested Nose
This means your body cannot properly handle the sulfites in alcoholic drinks. Sulfites are added to preserve freshness and kill off harmful bacteria. In advance countries for example, alcoholic drinks must, by law, indicate on their labels if there are sulfite in the drink - and there is a limit to the amount of sulfites that can be added by the brewery companies.

6.   Red Face
The ingredient that is a culprit for this is different for everyone. For some people, protein from grapes, combined with sulfites and other organic compounds, might be the reason. An allergen known as LTP which if found in the skin of grapes, makes red wines very likely to produce such a reaction. White wines are produce without the skin, this might be a better option to red wines.


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