Why Women Cause Men To Fail

There are many reasons men fail – whether they fail to maintain the success they had achieved or fail to reach their full potential.
But lets look at the one that is neither the chief of it or the least of it, though it has caused many to stumble from top or fail to rise at all more than the rest………..WOMEN.
Now, how one masters him or herself can be determined by the level of positive influence he or she has over the opposite sex though.
Women are a beautiful thing – a gift to man. And the purpose of this article is to help People strike the right balance in their relationship with women. When this is done, they can make their lives better, their women happy and stand a greater chance to lead a fulfilled life.
Men have failed to tap fully into these gifts possess by women and make the most out of it – because of some misguided believes.
Just like some people will not know the function of a particular feature in a laptop or a smartphone because they did not read the owner’s manual carefully or did not understand the instructions in the manual. And they may use the product for a long time before discovering the function of that particular feature.
This is how men have failed in realizing and benefiting from all the good qualities possess by women. They will say: “oh! I didn’t have the manual!” Don’t say that again. Nature’s creation don’t come with manuals. But here are tips from experts and divine intelligent that can help you make the most from these beautiful creation call women and have a beautiful life!
NOTE : Whatever the case, no woman can be blamed for any man’s set back no matter the role that woman played. Those that attempt to do this can only be seen as ridiculous and feeble minded. Men are always the architect of their success and their down fall.
Technically speaking, no one makes anyone fail to succeed in life order than the person who owns him or herself. And no one makes anyone to succeed order the one who owns himself or herself. So, it is not out of place to say that no one should blame anybody as the reason for his or her failure in life no matter what.
Men reveal their secrets to their girl friends, fiancées, lovers or mistresses or women that are not their wife.
Your wife can’t be your stumbling block. She is your number one fan, best friend so long as she knows that you love her. She will want and even make sacrifices for you to succeed in all your endeavours so long as she understands you love her. After God, nobody else want your success, your well being most order than your beloved wife.
A married man should reveal his secrets, plans to the wife that he loves and cherishes. His plans and secrets will be saved and he will have an unprecedented favour in all that he does. Remember and make it a point of duty to always let your wife know that you love, respect and faithful in the relationship.
When your wife knows this, she will surely be faithful to you. When she can’t tell whether you love her or not, insecurity sets in – this is when she can act foolishly. Be honest to yourself first then to your wife. Just be honest. And believe deep in heart that honesty pays – it is not a disadvantage but an advantage.
There’s something that honesty does to honest people, though they will have to believe on it first. It makes the events of life to play out honestly to them.
Now, revealing your secrets, your business plans to your girl friend, your fiancée, your mistress, your lover is dangerous. If you are married, ask yourself: “what do I stand to gain in telling my secrets, plans, pains to a woman that is not my wife or relative?” If you are single, ask yourself this same question.
The promotion you will get in few years, the hell you are going through from the hands of your boss, how your boss treats you better than every other person, the new business you are planning to venture into, the new business idea that could fetch you lots of money.
If you are happily married, only your wife should know things like these. If you are faithful to her, this can’t be a big deal – it happens almost naturally. If you are single, try as much as possible to avoid these lines of discussion with your girl friend, sex partner, even your fiancée!
Let them go and find out who you really are. I mean the position you occupy in your company (big or small ), the kind of business man you are, how much you worth (your assets ). Don’t give them the privy. Let them go and do the findings if at all they will find anything. They won’t be able to describe the respect they will have for you if they find these things by themselves.
Most of the time, people are overwhelmed by what to say to a woman in order to make the necessary impression. You should not be. If you don’t know the line of discussion you should indulge with either the lady you are trying to win her heart or your old girl friend - discuss on general topics, relate your childhood experience, what you like and dislike, your favourite meal, why you like traveling by night, the country you hope to visit in future, your movie library, your music library, why you prefer chess over scrabble. The list can go on and on. And you can modify or be creative about any of the list.
Singles! Still looking for who to reveal your secrets, plans, pains to? Your mother, your sister, your best male friend, your father – these are better options than your girl friend or your fiancée.
Men will do this because they want to show the lady how serious they are in the relationship. It is because they want to appear important and command respect. It is because their primary target is to have sex with the lady as soon as possible. Nothing more. And that is what they will get (sex). The so call plan might never become a reality and the secret no more save. I will tell you why.
So you can see it is their motive that makes it wrong to reveal this important aspect of their lives to these women. One may say: “nothing is wrong in doing that!” I tell you, everything is wrong in doing that!
NOTE: If a man tells his wife his plans and secrets, he does not want to appear important or command respect from her because he had already gotten that when the marriage proposal was accepted! And of course it can’t be because he wants sex because he is happily married.
But there must be something that he wants. He wants moral support, encouragement, Favour and good luck in the turn of events. Sure, this is what he will get. Because it important to him, he discusses it with his lovely wife. She will not only give encouragement and support but will pray for its success in the inner most part of her heart.
It is important to note also that some men only claim the plans and the secrets are there so that they can appear important and command respect that will give them the pleasure they seek.
Men that bed a lot of women talk big of themselves in a subtle way. ….
This will lead me to relate of an incident that occur sometime ago. A beautiful and attractive young lady had just moved into my area with her aunty. She looked so fresh and friendly. And I tell you every guy around wanted to hook up and take a bite. Though non of friends actually approach her to declare his intention, we were just friendly. Then I noticed was giving one of my friends more attention than the rest of us.
Then my friend would come and brag to us, claiming he could to her whatever he wants – that the only challenge he had was the aunty is always around. With all this bragging, he did not tell us what he did or say this young, fresh and beautiful lady that would make her to do what he wanted.
One day, this young lady came to me and asked: “is your friend planning to leave for youth service ( NYSC )? You know my reply. “Yes”. But I was shocked. Going to youth service was the last thing on his mind because he still had one year left before the end of his school programme and why telling somebody of yesterday things like this if not you want appear important? And if this person was a male would you have done it so quickly? I did not think any of my friends could tread this path just to convince a lady. My friend knew this was just a young lady who has barely seen the four walls of university and decided to go that line and mould the respect he wanted. Does it worth the salt? Do you have to go that far? As if it is a job you want at all cost. Until it is revealed, you cannot imagine the lies that men told women that will sweep them off their feet. And the only person that can reveal this to you is the woman involved.
We have come to the end of part one. Thank you for your time. Hope you learned something. In part two, we will look at why it is bad to reveal your plans and secrets to a woman that is not your wife or family member.
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